Why settings and permissions could kill your B2B product

It was the third call of the day:

“Duncan, do you think you could help us set up this new client? We’re can’t figure out how to add permissions so that they can edit their content…”

This was the topic of conversation for over 6 months. As the product became more popular and more clients were signed on the same issue came back to bite time and time again.

The B2B product we had built worked flawlessly for the thousands of end-users.

But the support emails kept coming in.

What we hadn’t accounted for was that it was the product’s internal sales and account management team, there was no IT helpdesk or support team.

The settings and more importantly the permissions system was unfathomably complex. Driven by a desire from the client to have an almost infinitely configurable set-up.

After talking with the client and reining in the requirements, the solution was to redesign and refactor. An extensive rebuild ensued.

That experience left an indelible mark.

Very recently I was involved in the from-scratch design of the settings and permissions in a B2B product.

When I started researching the topic I found that in the ensuing years very little had actually been written about the topic.

To that end I have written an extensive guide on permissions systems with examples from the most recent designs.

Lesson: Just because three are only two users in the persona, doesn’t mean that they’re not important.

Do your metrics make you feel uncomfortable?

A while ago a client asked me into their office.

“Do you think you can help us set our mobile strategy for our the next version of our app?”

When I looked at the reporting that was being generated it was all but meaningless. They were what is well coined as ‘vanity metrics’, created to make everyone feel good.

Good product metrics should make everyone feel uncomfortable. They should be provocative and help drive positive action rather than soothe egos or just be self-congratulatory.

I put together an article on SaaS metrics for Kuwinda including the best posts and videos that I could find online.

A solid understanding of product metrics is critical to driving growth in digital products.

Why Digital Agencies steal from FinTech Startups to feed starving Corporates!

Ok, maybe a little clickbaity as a title. But fundamentally this concept is true from an innovation perspective.
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“Product is Hard” by Marty Cagan at Lean Product Meetup

Marty Cagan heads up SVPG (Silicon Valley Product Group) and is a veteran product leader.

This 1h46 talk of his at the Lean Product Meetup 25th January 2018 is really great stuff. He shares some of the key insights from his book ‘Inspired’ which is a worthwhile read if you want to be a real innovator.